Encyclopedic Discography of Victor Recordings


Database with a project goal to realize “a comprehensive, authoritative discography of 78rpm-era recordings.” “Welcome to the Discography of American Historical Recordings (DAHR), a database of master recordings made by American record companies during the 78rpm era. It is part of the American Discography Project (ADP)—an initiative of the University of California, Santa Barbara and the Packard Humanities Institute that is edited by a team of researchers based at the UCSB Library. DAHR currently includes information on more than 350,000 master recordings (matrixes) made by Victor, Columbia, OKeh, Berliner, Edison, Zonophone, Leeds & Catlin, Brunswick, and Decca. The ADP is also a partner with the Library of Congress National Jukebox project and provides most of the cataloging data used in the Jukebox. As a result of this partnership, 11,000 recordings made by Victor and Columbia between 1900 and 1925 can be streamed online. An additional 35,000 masters from Columbia, Okeh, Zonophone and Edison are also available via UCSB’s streaming player or embedded YouTube links. Staff are currently editing masters for: Victor’s 1940s ethnic, popular and classical masters; Victor’s 1950s Latin American recordings; Columbia ethnic and foreign issues; and leased Gramophone masters issued by Victor.” Searchable and browsable by titles, discs, names, dates, and matrixes. Entries include personnel, take dates and places, formats, and notes.

  • access DAHR
  • keywords: multimedia; sound studies; technology; material culture; primary sources; popular music; classical music; Western music; digital humanities
  • Listing ID: 2052
  • Resource Type: Database/Archive
  • Geographic Area: North America
  • Audience: general
  • Century: 1900-1999 (20thC)

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