The Journal of Music History Pedagogy is a bi-annual, peer-reviewed, open-access, on-line journal dedicated to the publication of original articles and reviews related to teaching music history of all levels (undergraduate, graduate, or general studies) and disciplines (western, non-western, concert and popular musics). The JMHP holds no single viewpoint on what constitutes good teaching and endorses all types of scholarship on music history pedagogy that are well-researched, objective, and challenging. The JMHP is a publication of the Pedagogy Study Group of the American Musicological Society.
Editorial Team
Editor-in-Chief: Sara Haefeli, Ithaca College
Reviews Editor: Douglass Seaton, Florida State University
Editorial Board
Ana Alonso Minutti, University of New Mexico
Matt Baumer, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
James Davis, SUNY Fredonia
Sarah Fuller, Stony Brook University, Emerita
Randall Goldberg, Youngstown State University
S. Andrew Granade, University of Missouri-Kansas City
Kunio Hara, University of South Carolina
Eric Hung, Music of Asian America Research Center
Judy Lochhead, Stony Brook University
Ralph Locke, Eastman School of Music, Emeritus
Melanie Lowe, Vanderbilt University
Stephen Meyer, University of Cincinnati
Sara Nodine, Florida State University
Colin Roust, University of Kansas
Douglass Seaton, Florida State University
Louis Epstein (ex officio), Chair, Pedagogy Study Group of the American Musicological Society